📈Staking & Rewards
Staking rewards are compiled by the tax shown within the contract, with 5% of all taxes going to rewards, the way the rewards work are as followed:
When you claim, the contract actually does the following
When somebody purchases/sells $COQBOX 5% of the tax go into the staking fund, the staking fund is then distributed on the buy/sell transaction call to every staker within the pool
Your initial staking rewards are in $COQBOX until you claim the tokens, It buys $COQ with your staking rewards collected in $COQBOX for its $USDC value shown in the dApp.
When $COQBOX price drops its $USDC value gets less. So there's less $USDC value to buy $COQ for your rewards.
Additionally when $COQ goes up you'll get also less $COQ because you need more $USDC value to buy.
If $COQBOX price goes up, you receive more $COQ on your claim.
Your rewards may vary which is shown on the dApp depending on the slippage used when the claim function is activated.
You're not losing any rewards if your $COQ amount decreases, it's just the conversion rate.
Sometimes your $COQ rewards may be lower, but if you check your $COQBOX amount build up, this would have gone up - This is based on the fact that initial rewards are built up in $COQBOX and then later switched to $COQ when the claim function is called - In the dApp (https://www.coqinabox.xyz/staking) the $COQBOX amount in the bottom right of the dApp will show your rewards piling up, this is the number you need to track - If concerned about the price changing, you can claim your rewards every 24h to avoid price changes, the number you should be following is shown below:

Last updated